Lyon was advertized as the “City of lights”, according to the Traditional Feast of Illumination of this world-class Festival of Lights, which constitutes a traditional and famous event each year by the beginning of December… Although being a bit “trapped” between numerous scientific events, such as the French Sofcot, the annual “Hip” meeting in Toulouse and others, the recent Lyon Hip meeting “Journées Lyonnaises de la Hanche”, precisely scheduled at this date in order to celebrate these illuminations of Lyon, has been nevertheless a great event upon both quality of the scientific program and huge periods of time generously allowed for discussion regarding the various presented topics…
We have been greatly pleased to personally present there our “Long-term results for Avascular Head Necrosis with HA-Coated THRs in young and active patients: based upon a prospective 12-21 years series with the HA Omnifit Stem and HA Arc2f screw cup”. This study had been successfully carried out thanks to our Hip database through the OrthoWave outcome study software suite, as usual…
For sure and for ages, the ultimate aim of OrthoWave consists in allowing easy presentations of scientific studies in Congresses as well as publishing articles in the Literature. We thus are glad to propose the slide show of this scientific work, which emphasizes the excellent (very) long-term clinical results of treatment of Avascular Necrosis of the femoral head by HA-coated THRs in this extremely challenging group of young and active patients.
Do not refrain from sending us the studies and slide-shows of your own, based upon OrthoWave studies… We will be delighted to provide them a room on this blog and stimulate in such a way some very interesting and fruitful discussion about published results and proposed conclusions… See you soon on OrthoWave Community!…