OrthoWave aims to be a very professional computer tool for outcomes studies in Orthopaedics. However, for ages, we have kept in mind that this sophisticated tool addresses human beings (surgeons) who take care of other human beings (patients)… We thus need to remain “human” at any time. In such a way, it is critical to remain close to our users within the Orthopaedic Community, on the one hand to help them getting benefits at best of analyses and evaluation of results, and on the other hand to allow them sharing pieces of information, clues, personal experience and others. This “linking people” spirit is now a reality thanks to a specifically devoted media we are just launching as “OrthoWave Community”…
Our friends from Adspring and namely Charles and Thomas, have designed for us a fancy, powerful and user friendly site featuring a blog, a forum able to host shared or private areas, and lots of amazing sidekick goodies… Thanks to all of them and congratulations for this superb OW media!
We will be then delighted to communicate with each of you in better and more efficient means on real time. I have to pledge my word that we will continue to make more than our best in that matter and sincerely hope each of you will consider himself as getting involved to make this OW Community making surgeons and scientists more and more close to each other…
Would any of you, while turning on his computer, like thinking about “what’s up on OWCOM” to day ?… You’re on !